Savannah cat is one of the rarest and most amazing cats in the world. People have long been attracted by rare exotic animals. Many wanted to have a cheetah, leopard and other wild cats as a pet, but this is always associated with great risk and expenses for providing comfortable pet living conditions. Breeders thought about breeding a breed that could embody the characteristics of wild cats, while remaining a pet. Largely thanks to such thoughts, the beautiful Savannah breed appeared.

The history of the Savannah breed began in the United States. In 1986, American breeder Judy Frank managed to get hybrid offspring from the African Serval and a domestic cat. The first savannah kittens of the first generation F1 were the result of crossing serval and cat breeds such as Egyptian Mau, Bengal cat and Ocicat. Today, breeders prefer different generations of Savannah cats for breeding. In this case, the content of wild blood in the offspring is reached up to 80%. In 2001, the Savannah breed was officially recognized by felinological organizations and entered into the international breed lists.
First generation kittens (F1) have the highest percentage of wild cat blood, from 50 to 80%, depending on the degree of maternal hybridization. It is the first generation kittens that are the most expensive and unique representatives of the breed, since there are many difficulties and risks in their breeding, respectively, and the price of such kittens can reach $ 25,000.
Порода Саванна
Порода Саванна

The savannahs of F1 embodied the signs of their wild ancestors of servals, while remaining domestic cats. Since the content of African servals is associated with many difficulties, the ability to get a pet close to a wild predator, but at the same time remaining a domestic cat attracts more people.

The price of Savannah cats is high due to difficulties of breeding process, especially the first generation of kittens. It is extremely difficult to pick up a pair – a wild cat and a domestic cat capable of breeding. After all, a serval is a very large cat in relation to the size of a domestic cat. In addition, it is difficult for cats to bear offspring, since the gestational age for servals and cats is different. Kittens are often born prematurely and need medical attention and artificial feeding. All these problems determine the high cost of savannah kittens. Catteries that breed first generation Savannah cats can be counted on the fingers. This is a very complex and time-consuming process. Our Cattery Royal Pride Cats is one of the Catteries that breeds high-quality Savannah F1 breed.

Savannah cats absorbed the features of both a wild ancestor and their mother’s cat. These are large cats, reach 60 cm at the withers, weighing up to 12 kg. The hair in cats Savannah is short and smooth, rarely causes allergies, rarely shed. From their wild ancestor – the serval, they inherited long legs, large ears and spotted hair. Savannah cats are real look like little leopards, agile, fast and bold. In many ways, the habits of Savannah cats are similar to servals, but savannahs are more suitable to become domestic pet. Savannah cats have excellent health, they are strong and little susceptible to disease.

Порода Саванна
Порода Саванна
Порода Саванна
Порода Саванна

Savannah cats are very sociable, easily find a common language with children and adults and become a real decoration of any home. Domestic little leopards are very playful, they love communication, they like to jump high and far, they know how to bring toys in their teeth. When communicating with people, they are more like dogs than cats, they are very smart cats that can show intelligence. Savannahs get along well with other domestic animals – cats and even dogs. Savannah cats adore to be at the spotlight; they like to walk in the fresh air on a leash or on a fenced site. The savannahs love water and will certainly want to swim with their master. Having absorbed the habits of wild ancestors, savannahs are beautiful hunters and love to play with toys. Savannahs require attention and affection, love to sleep with their owners and spend time with them, consider a person as their best friend, and sometimes parents.

Порода Саванна

Savannah cats prefer natural food — raw meat, we recommend feeding cats with beef, quail and rabbit; savannas also like chicken and low-fat varieties of sea fish. As an additional feed, you can use dry feed of very high quality (holistic). Also in the first year of life, kittens need to add vitamins.

Порода Саванна

Savannah cats are an ideal pet that has absorbed the features of a dog and a cat. They are real human friends and home decoration. Our love for cats of this breed began from our first cat, the representative of the Savannah F1 — Kronos. He completely won our hearts, and so 4 years ago we had the idea of ​​creating our own Cattery of the rarest and most amazing representatives of the cat world. And today our Royal Pride Cats Cattery offers you to become the owner of a real miracle of nature – the Savannah of the first generation.

Kittens grown in our cattery are surrounded by love and care 24 hours a day, raised, healthy and socialized. They are transferred to new families not earlier than 3 months after all vaccinations with a full set of documents. We do not resell animals, absolutely all of our kittens was born in our cattery. We can deliver kittens worldwide, but we recommend that you come personally to our cattery, get acquainted with the kittens and their parents, see with your own eyes the conditions of detention and receive recommendations on the content of the future family member. We will be glad to see you as our customers.

With love Royal Pride Cats

Порода Саванна